Sick of dealing with traffic? Want to introduce more exercise to your life? If the answer is yes, you're not alone. Many Americans are discovering the benefits of switching to electric bikes for commuting.
Of course, cycling has always been great exercise, but with an electric bike, riders can get to their destinations in no time, avoiding the perils of high gas costs, parking, or sitting in traffic.
Electric bike riders can keep active during their commute while maintaining composure. By using your eBike's electric pedal assist, you can arrive at the office looking fresh - and not like you just pedaled your way all to work (even though you did).
Benefits of Commuting with an EBike
Many benefits come with commuting on an eBike. Whether you make the switch full-time or alternate with driving, you can benefit from increased exercise, lower your emissions, and help reduce traffic congestion.
One of the benefits of eBiking is the reduced strain and physical exertion required to propel the bike. While eBiking may feel easy compared to a traditional cycle, it's still a great form of exercise. Ebikes are also a great option for those that have problems pedaling a regular bicycle due to age or past injuries.
You may question how much exercise you're getting while using a motorized bike. A recent study published in the Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine found that commuting on an eBike qualifies as moderate exercise. The study's researchers at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, measured participants' vitals while riding eBikes and traditional bicycles. Participants in the study saw elevated heart rates and respiration enough that scientists decided eBiking will, over time, contribute to health and fitness.
To get more exercise on your eBike and increase the potential health benefits, you should keep your pedal assistance on a low level until you need to use it; this can also extend your battery levels. However, the same study showed that riders will still burn around 30% of the calories they would burn on a traditional road bike, completing the same route even when using pedal assist consistency. That's far more calories than you burn sitting in traffic in your car.
Less wear and tear on your car
Commuting on an eBike helps take the pressure off your car, reducing wear and tear. Even if you alternate between riding and driving, there are benefits for your vehicle. You can reduce the miles you rack up and lower the wear on the tires and other parts by giving it a few days off. Driving less also reduces your likelihood of fender benders and accidental damage.
Cheaper than filling up a car weekly
Gas prices are on the rise, and recent shortages have reminded Americans about fossil fuels and gas volatility. By switching to commuting on an electric bike, you'll save at the pump and do your bit for the environment by reducing your consumption of fossil fuels. In addition, an electric bike can be recharged cheaply and with significantly less impact on the environment.
Better for the environment
It will come as no surprise that an electric bike is better for the environment than driving a car. When compared to other commuting methods, an eBike is the cleaner and less harmful option. If you charge an electric bike battery using a solar power charger, then eBikes will be even more environmentally friendly.
No parking problems
Never waste your time circling a parking lot again. With an electric bike, you can quickly get to and from your destination instead of wasting time and money on parking. Many employers offer incentives to employees who forgo a parking spot and ride to work instead.
How to choose the best electric bike for commuting?
There are many commuter eBikes available on the market, including electric hunting bikes, electric mountain bikes, and foldable electric bikes. So which electric bikes are best for commuting?
QuietKat bikes are not your average commuter bike. However, if you want a bike that can take you from city to country roads and even some light off-roading, these are the best electric bikes.
The Lynx
The Lynx is our top commuter eBike. It's the ultimate electric cafe moto inspired e-bike for riders who want to get around town quickly and comfortably. The Lynx is an ideal urban-style eBike that's an affordable price point for commuters. A Lynx eBike can be used on bike paths, dirt roads, urban streets, and more.
The Villager
The Villager can take you on long stretches and is the ideal bike for commuting. Or better yet, the Villager can travel with you so you can leave the car behind when you get to your destination. Its durability makes it one of the best eBikes on the market for commuting.

Tips for Commuting with Your Electric Bike
When commuting with your electric bike, you'll need to be aware of the general rules of the road and follow these other tips.
Road Safety
Helmets: Riding an eBike comes with the same safety concerns as traditional bikes and general road use. Helmets are required on eBikes by law in many states. However, cyclists should always wear a helmet when riding an eBike, even if it's not a legal requirement in your state.
Visibility: Cyclists should wear brightly colored clothing when sharing the road with cars and other vehicles. A high visibility vest can quickly be taken on and off when riding and will ensure drivers see you.
Lights: If you're riding at night or in the early morning, you should ensure your eBike is equipped with lights. On overcast days or poor weather, you may want to use lights even during the daytime. Lights help you see the road and allow other drivers to see you. Commuter eBikes should be equipped with both front and rear lights.
Where to Ride
Rules and regulations for eBike riders will differ from state to state. In most cases, eBike commuters should ride on the road with other motorized vehicles. Utilize bike paths in urban areas, but check regulations for bike paths in national parks or trails. Google maps can help riders choose routes and streets better suited to cycling by using its cycling route option.

Essential Accessories
Power assistance isn't just about speed; it can also be helpful if you're lugging heavy loads. Commuting on an e-bike with a laptop bag or a heavy load of shopping is easy compared to a traditional bike. The motor on an electric bike lets you work at a more constant level, so you won't be sweating to get up and down inclines.
If you plan to cart around bags or shopping, you'll want to get an eBike with a rack or basket like the QuietKat Villager. You may also want to add other eBike accessories to your bike to get the best communing experience. Folding travel cases and pannier bags are great for extra storage.
Keep your electric bike road-ready
You'll want to keep your electric bike in tip-top condition so regular electric bike maintenance is important, so it's ready for your morning commute. Charging an electric bike is the essential part of maintaining it; the last thing you want is a dead battery just as you reach a steep hill. Tire maintenance is also important, so keep tires well pumped, clean, and maintained to avoid any flats.
Not your average commute
Commuter eBikes are great for everyday use on urban and country roads. But weekend warriors might want to try one of our more rugged eBike models. If you need a reliable eBike during the week but want to explore the backcountry at the weekend, then a standard commuter bike might not cut it.
Electric mountain bikes tend to be more expensive and sophisticated than commuter eBikes, but are like getting two bikes for the price of one. If you're looking for an eBike for fishing, hunting, or Overlanding, check out our more advanced models of QuietKat electric bikes.